Rihand Regulation Committee

According to the tripartite agreement known as Bansagar Agreement (1973) between Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh, the total annual water availability in Sone basin is 14.25 MAF, which has been shared between three States as below:

Bihar 7.75 MAF (9860 MCM) Uttar Pradesh 1.25 MAF (1542 MCM) Madhya Pradesh 5.25 MAF (6476 MCM)

As per a meeting taken by Chairman (CWC) on 9th June-1975 the share of U.P. (1.25 MAF) has to come from Bansagar Reservoir (1.0 MAF) and Kanhar sub-basin (0.25 MAF). There is no share of water for Uttar Pradesh from Rihand sub-basin. Furthermore, as per the Union Minister (WR) letter no.- 54/8/91-BM dt 20th November-1992 addressed to Minister (WR) Govt of Bihar, the water available to Bihar from Rihand sub-basin is 2.59 MAF (3295 MCM).

An agreement of Rihand project was also signed between U.P. and Bihar along with Bansagar Agreement (1973) on sharing of Sone water.

Subsequent to this, Ministry of Water Resources set up a Joint Operation Committee (JOC) for Rihand reservoir vide their O.M. No. 54/7/92-BM/1172 dt. 30.10.1992 consisting of members from UPSEB, WRD-Bihar, and CEA. The Chairman of the JOC is Member (WP&P), CWC, New Delhi.

Every year the JOC meetings are convened in September end or October beginning and water releases from Rihand reservoir are recommended on the basis of water availability in the reservoir at the end of monsoon, Irrigation demand of Bihar and Hydropower generation plan and associated releases proposed by UPPCL / UPJVNL. The actual releases made in the previous year vis-a-vis recommended releases are also reviewed.

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