Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal Link

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Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project will comprise the following:

  • A diversion dam at Patanpur on river Parbati with Full reservoir level (FRL)of 419 metre (m) to divert 464 Mm³ of water from its own catchment to Mohanpura diversion dam through a 55.37 kilometre (km) long canal (including tunnel length of 6.61 km) with full supply level (FSL) of 411.0 m at Patanpur.
  • A diversion dam at Mohanpura on river Newaj with Full reservoir level (FRL) of 400.0 m to divert 403 Mm³ of water from its own catchment to Kundaliya reservoir across Kalisindhriver through a 73.17 km long canal (including two tunnels of length 1.29 km and 3.1 km) with FSL of 392.0 m at Mohanpura.
  • A storage dam at Kundaliya on river Kalisindh with FRL 378 m, gross storage capacity of 1234 Mm³ to transfer 493 Mm³ of water from its own catchment and waters received from Patanpur dam and Mohanpura dam either to:
(a). Existing RanaPratapSagar (RPS) having full reservoir level (FRL)of 352.81 m and live storage capacity of 1566.52 Mm³ through a 115.08 km long water conductor length involving 105.52 km long gravity canal and two tunnels having length of 3.6 km and 5.96 km.This alternative named as Alt- (a).(Or)
(b). Existing Gandhi Sagar having FRL of 399.89 m and live storage capacity of 7616.74 Mm³. Under this linkage, two alternatives have been studied. In the first alternative named as Alt. (b)-I, the entire water is proposed to be lifted in three stages from Kundaliya reservoir at an off-take level of 368.35 m through pumping reach of length 19.74 km with a lift of about 50.15 m followed by 78.35 km long gravity canal upto GandhiSagar. For this alternative, the net requirement of power for lifting the water is 13.31 MW. In second alternative named as Alt (b)-II, the diversion of water is proposed to be carried by gravity from Kundaliya dam for a length of 45 km upto Ahu barrage following same path as in case of Alt (a), linking to RPS and thereafter the link canal with FSL 357 m runs through gravity in the north-west direction for a length of 5 km where a sump well near village Akheri has been proposed. From the sump well, the water is proposed to be pumped in single stage with a lift of about 47.42 m through 3.2 km long pipeline followed by a gravity canal with FSL 404 m for a length of 20.10 km upto RupaniaNalla which ultimately falls into GandhiSagar reservoir. In this case, the net power requirement for lifting the water is 9.03 MW. The alternative (b)-II, linking to GandhiSagar has been found more suitable and considered in the study in view to keep the existing power generation at Gandhisagar intact. Also the power needed for lifting the water in single stage is comparatively less. The project also includes installation of pumping station component for lifting of water and construction of seven dams proposed in upper reaches of Chambal.

Amongst the tributaries of Chambal River, Parbati, Newaj (a tributary of Kalisindh) and Kalisindh rivers have sizeable surpluses after meeting the existing and projected requirements for irrigation, domestic & industrial purposes within the basins upto 2050 AD. The provision of import & export, if any, upto each diversion point has been kept undisturbed. The 75% dependable surface water balance at each dam site has been worked out after attaining a minimum irrigation level of 30%, both for areas upstream and downstream of diversion points in the donor sub-basin to have an equitable distribution of water in different sub-basins of Chambal basin.

It is, therefore, proposed to divert the surplus waters of Parbati, Newaj and Kalisindh rivers to Chambal river at Gandhisagar/ RanaPratapSagar after providing irrigation facilities in the enroute of link in the Rajgarh, Guna, Shajapur,Mandsaur, Morena/Bhind districts of Madhya Pradesh and Jhalawar, Kota and Chittorgarh districts of Rajasthan.. The Chambal water thus saved, in the upper reaches of Chambal, due to transfer of water through Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link at above existing storage on river Chambal, is proposed to be tapped in the seven storage reservoirs/dams identified by NWDA in the upper reaches of Chambal for benefiting the drought prone districts of Ujjain, Shajapur and Dhar of Madhya Pradesh where the present level of irrigation is only 5.44% of culturable area. Irrigation has also been proposed to be extended to an adjoining tehsil of Ratlam district of M.P. in which the level of irrigation of only 8.7% from existing, ongoing and proposed projects is likely to be attained. In addition, augmentation of water in the Chambal River is proposed for irrigation in the existing commands of Kota barrage in Bhind and Morena districts of Madhya Pradesh.

The revised water balance at Patanpur dam on river Parbati, Mohanpura dam on river Newaj&Kundaliya dam on river Kalisindh at 75% dependability are 948Mm3, 444 Mm3 and 610 Mm3 respectively. Out of the total surface water balance of 2002 Mm3 (948 Mm3 + 444 Mm3 + 610 Mm3) at above storage diversion sites,1360 Mm3 of water is envisaged to be diverted through Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project.Out of 1360 Mm3 of water proposed for diversion through Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link, 676 Mm3 will be transferred to Chambal River either at RanaPratapSagar or at Gandhisagar (663 Mm3 for upper Chambal projects, 13 Mm3 Ex-Kota barrage) and 684 Mm3 (including transmission losses) is proposed to be utilised in the enroute command. The link will also provide 13.2 Mm3 of water for domestic water supply to the enroute villages.

The enroute irrigation and domestic use of water will be in the areas falling in the districts of Rajgarh, Guna, Shajapur, Mandsaur, Morena/Bhind in Madhya Pradesh and Jhalawar, Kota and Chittorgarh in Rajasthan. Considering the linking to RanaPratapSagar i.e. alternative- (a), an area of 65,657 ha will be benefitted by irrigation in Madhya Pradesh and 43,082 ha in Rajasthan enroute. Thus, the link shall be providing irrigation benefits to total area of 1,08,739 ha enroute. In case of linking to Gandhi Sagar, the benefit has been worked out for both the alternative i.e. (b)-I and (b)-II. Adopting the alternative-(b)-I, Irrigation benefits will be 1,18,860 ha (93,649 ha in M.P. and 25,211 ha in Rajasthan) while for alternative-(b)-II, the irrigation benefits will cover an area of 1,17,253 ha (90,474 ha in M.P. and 26,779 ha in Rajasthan)., Auxiliary and incidental benefits that will occur by the commissioning of this scheme are of immense value to the people of the area. Ground water will get supplemented through the seepage of surface water used for irrigation and will increase in water table. The scarcity of drinking water in these dry areas will be mitigated considerably. The afforestation programme could be implemented on canal banks resulting in environmental improvement. The communication system will improve because of canal roads and CD works raising marketing opportunities. The formation of the reservoirs will help tourism development, fisheries and aquaculture, bird sanctuaries etc. Besides, there will be an increase in employment opportunities during the construction of project. Interlinking river development programmes, particularly those that include the development of one or more dams and reservoirs, can produce far-reaching changes in the environment of the region.

Environmental effects, or changes resulting from project development, may occur upstream, on site, downstream or along the link project as well as changes in population distribution and land use in the near vicinity of reservoir area as well as other zones due to increased development for irrigated agriculture, industry or other purposes (fisheries, resettlement). Adequately planned such big projects provide major economic benefits.

The total estimated cost of P.K.C. link canal project at 2002-2003 price level are Rs. 298902/- lakh, Rs. 312547/- lakh and Rs. 305830/- lakh for alternative (a), alternative (b)-I and alternative (b)-II respectively. The schedule of construction of the link project is planned for a period of 8 years including pre-construction year. The annual benefits accrued from the project for alternative (a), alternative (b)-I and alternative (b)-II are estimated to be in the order of Rs. 66433.60 crore, 68834.08 crore, 68432.28 crore (2002-2003 price level) respectively.

While working out the cost of the scheme, the cost of link canal, cost of head works including cost of proposed 7 reservoirs in upper reaches of Chambal and cost of command area development are considered as cost of the link project. The cost of head works (Patanpur, Mohanpura and Kundaliya) for link canal have been worked out on actual basis as estimated in the cost estimate of Patanpur, Mohanpura and Kundaliya dams. An unit rate per ha of annual irrigation of Kushalpura ongoing medium project in Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh for working out the cost of seven storage/diversion dams in upper Chambal basin. However, actual cost of B-Land for Patanpur, Mohanpura and Kundaliya dams as per respective cost estimates and proportionate cost for seven other storage/diversion dams in upper Chambal basin has been utilized in the cost of Unit-I Head Works. The cost of canals including tunnels and pumping stations covered in Unit-II have been estimated on the basis of actual cost estimate adopting unified schedule of rates 2002-03 of Govt. of Madhya Pradesh. The electricity charges for pumping of the water in the reach of Kundaliya to Gandhi Sagar have been considered as Rs. 1.80 per unit. The annual cost is computed at 10% of interest including cost of land development @ Rs.3000/- per ha,depreciation @ 1 % of the cost of project, depreciation on the pumping system @8.33 % and for raising mains @3.33%.

The Benefit-Cost ratio for the Parbati- Kalisindh-Chambal link project as a whole has been computed based on the corresponding annual costs and annual benefits from this project, which comes to 1.67,1.59 and 1.63 for Alt-(a), Alt-(b-I), Alt-(b-II) respectively. The internal rate of return (I.R.R.) of the project has also been worked out as 14.00% for all the above three alternatives.

Source:National Water Development Agency (NWDA)

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