Intra State Links

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Ministry of Water Resources in June 2005 conveyed the approval to identify Intra-State links in the States like Bihar and to prepare Pre–feasibility reports of these links by NWDA. This work has now been added to the functions of NWDA after the approval in the Special General Meeting of NWDA Society held on 28.06.2006. Since then NWDA requested all the States/UTs to inform the details of Intra – State links for further studies by NWDA.
The Governments of Nagaland, Meghalaya, Kerala, Punjab, Delhi, Sikkim, Haryana, Union Territories of Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar islands, Daman & Diu and Lakshadweep have indicated that there is no Intra_State link proposal concerning to their States/territories. Govt. of Puducherry has send a proposal for one interstate link namely Pennaiyar–Sankarabarani link instead of intra state link proposal. Govt. of Puducherry has been informed accordingly.The States Governments of Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Tamil Nadu have informed about the Instra-State proposals pertaining to their State.

NWDA is preparing the pre – feasibility reports of the Intra-State Links as proposed by the State Governments.

List of Intra – State Links & Present Status / Targets for Completion of PFRs

S.No.Name of the Intra-State LinkPresent status /Target of Completion of PFR
1.Wainganga(Goshikurd)–Nalganga(Purna Tapi)
[Wainganga – Western Vidarbha & Pranhita – Wardha
links merged and extended through Kanhan–Wardha
Completed in 2008-
09 & sent to State
Govt. on 17.6.09
2.Wainganga–Manjra ValleyCompleted3.Upper Krishna–Bhima (system of Six links)Under progress4.Upper Ghat–Godavari ValleyUnder Progress[2009 – 10]5.Upper Vaitarna–Godavari Valley– Do –6.North Konkan–Godavari Valley– Do –7.Koyna–Mumbai city– Do –8.Sriram Sagar Project (Godavari)–Purna–Manjira*9.Wainganga (Goshikurd)–Godavari (SRSP)10.Middle Konkan–Bhima Valley-*-11.Koyna–Nira-*-12.Mulsi–Bhima-*–13.Savithri–Bhima-*-14.Kolhapur–Sangli–Sangola-*-15.Riverlinking projects of Tapi basin and Jalgaon DistrictUnder Progress Gujarat 16.Damanganga–Sabarmati–ChorwadData collection under Progress Orissa17.Mahanadi–BrahmaniCompleted in 2009-10,
not found techno economically feasible
sent to State Govt. on
18.09.09 for draft time being.
18.Mahanadi–Rushikulya (Barmul Project)
19.Vamsadhara–Rushikulya (Nandini Nalla project)
20.South Koel–SubernarekhaCompleted in 2009-10 & sent to State Govt. on 15.7.09
21.Sankh–South KoelCompleted in 2008-09 & sent to State Govt. on 7.7.09
22.Barkar–Damodar–SubernarekhaCompleted in 2008-09 & sent to State Govt. on 26.5.09
23.Kosi–Mechi [entirely lie in India]Completed in 2008-09 & sent to State Govt. on 24.6.09
24.Barh–NawadaUnder Progress[2009 – 10]
25.Kohra–Chandravat (Lalbegi)Completed in 2009-10 & sent to State Govt on 30.10.2009
26.Burhi Gandak–None–Baya–GangaCompleted in 2009-10 & sent to State Govt. on 6.7.09
27.Burhi Gandak – Bagmati [Belwadhar]Under Progress [2009 – 10]
28.Kosi–Ganga– Do –
29.Mahi–Luni link
30.Wakal–Sabarmati–Sei–West Banas– Kameri link
Tamil Nadu
31.Pennaiyar–Palar link-*-

* Completion Target being firmed up in consultations with State Governments for fixing priority.

Source:National Water Development Agency (NWDA)

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